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Sila chemistry
Welcome to the world of Sila Chemistry

Your important partner for achieving aggressive growth in long-term business

As a dynamic and innovative international company, Sila Chemicals is a specialty chemicals producer focusing on high-quality products to global markets. With modern production facilities, extensive laboratory testing facilities, environmentally friendly processes, and operating excellence and innovative quality management concepts, Sila Chemicals help to meet the world's growing demand for energy saving in economically, environmentally and socially responsible ways, and achieve maximized potential performance possibility with a pioneer class model. So, we focus not only on existing, but also on potential needs, expectations, problems & development possibility.

Organometallic chemistry is one of our specialized chemistries including both the ferrocenes as the core field of metallocene and organomanganeses as currently involved in business operation, our products are all professionally designed for superior performance expectations mainly in stringent automotive, industrial applications and formulations, fuels and boundary expectation in chemical synthesis. Our real-world field experience combined with the special application knowledge and innovative research capability which we have gained over decades continuity in market not only enables our products of ferrocene chemistry to meet the latest compatible request completely on the upgraded design of combustion engines and mechanical systems, upgraded improvement of fuels quality, and high performance solution in important optimal chemical synthesis, but surprisingly contributes our fast leading position in the subsequent organomanganese chemistry with the core products Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyls & Cyclopentadiehyl Manganese Tricarbonyls(i.e. MMT & CMT in brief) to the present market world successfully. We expect, this solid foundation will further help our R&D and business operation to expand prospective progress against more critical challenges in this highly catalytic organometallic chemistry.

Thanks to the strong chain support of research and development capability and the innovative management system of our own, our innovative idea and application expertise have been able to be transferred into production preparation continuously, and achieving operational excellence through leadership and expertise, streamlining processes, better utilising resources, and improving productivity. For Sila Chemicals, chemistry is always a means to an amazing solution generated of difficulties and barriers. What we can operate with excellence are not only the hundreds typical chemical reactions and the running conditions, but the key which is able to design entire chemistry in an up-to-date manner.  

Decades of experience with refined management and development capability and innovative research solutions continuously maintain Sila Chemicals as a premium supplier successfully in involved fields. All the innovative research directed activities enable us to build up our reputation and reliability with global partners as a leading supplier offering high-quality products/solutions and extended application support insuring operating security, from organometallic chemistry based specialty chemicals towards the same high-quality solutions gradually expanded for the next challenges of all chemistry. What’s more, our strength is continuously reinforced on operation over linking to ecological and economic responsibilities, social challenges and opportunities, which greatly help our customers to maximize product and application performance, insure business operation stability and security, increase process and cost efficiency, and improve health and environmental protection to meet long-term responsible operation. With the reinforced strategic significance in research and development, the mission of Sila Chemicals is to operate commercially viable ideas on how to utilize resources more efficiently, which ranges from production management, products and R&D focusing on lower energy consumption and enhanced climate protection.  

Innovation and sustainability are the foundation of our success and that of our customers, and the long-term driving force towards our success future.  

            Sila Chemicals, a global market leader in organometallic chemistry & an innovative role in specialty chemicals.